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Design Brief

You have been learning about food production and preparation. 


Your design challenge is to plan and construct a diorama which shows one food production or preparation technique.  You will work in a group.

The dioramas will be on display at the community picnic.  Photos and recorded descriptions of your diorama will also be uploaded to the website. 


The purpose of this diorama is to show our school community a visual presentation of a food production or preparation technique you have learned about.  To do this well, your diorama will need to meet the following criteria:

  • be visually appealing
  • show important parts of the technique
  • be made from recycled materials and materials found around the classroom or home (using the boxes collected in the classroom as the basis for your diorama)

You will reflect on your final product and answer some questions about the design process.


This task sheet will help you.

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